
All examples in this page assume you have the following settings file correctly set up;

CLOUDCIX_API_URL = 'https://api.cloudcix.com/'
CLOUDCIX_API_USERNAME = 'user@example.com'
CLOUDCIX_API_KEY = 'abcde...'

1. Get a list of Countries

# python3 example
import os

os.environ.setdefault('CLOUDCIX_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'settings')

# NOTE: environ variables must be set before importing cloudcix

from cloudcix import api

# Get a util function to get a session using the credentials in your settings file
from cloudcix.auth import get_admin_token

# Get your authentication token for your login
token = get_admin_token()
# Get a list of the countries from the Membership Application passing your token for authentication
response = api.Membership.country.list(token=token)

# Print out the json of the response data
print(response.json())  # {'content': [...], '_metadata': {...}}

2. Get a list of 10 Countries

# python3 example
import os

os.environ.setdefault('CLOUDCIX_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'settings')

# NOTE: environ variables must be set before importing cloudcix

from cloudcix.api import Membership

# Get a util function to get a session using the credentials in your settings file
from cloudcix.auth import get_admin_token

# Get your authentication token for your login
token = get_admin_token()

# By default limit is set to 50 ...
params = {'limit': 10}

# Get a list of the countries from the Membership Application passing your token for authentication
response = Membership.country.list(token=token, params=params)

# Print out the json of the response data
print(response.json())  # {'content': [...], '_metadata': {...}}